Purple Pig Tours is part of KGC Group, based in the
Southeast of England near North London.
Our private tours itineraries are designed
to offer broad range of interest, and we introduce facts, ideas,
theories myths and influences, and we try not to just give one theory,
or any unsubstantiated opinions during our tours.
KGC Group is a family business, and also provides Private London
Airport Transfer and Cruise Port Transfer services through our sister

Flying Purple
Pig Tours.
Flying Purple Pig Tours
were started in 2005 and are directed by Sir Keith Ceeney CBA, who
works under Operator License, No 891. ('Sir' Keith was knighted in the
Spring of 2011 by the Wiltshire Druid King of the Stonehenge Druid
Community, for service to the Tourist Trade.) A member of the Council
of British Archeologists, "Sir" Keith has become somewhat of an expert
on the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, and modern day Stonehenge
landscape, and also has a keen interest in ancient religion & 'old
style' religions that are practiced today. Sir Keith does state
categorically that he is not a Druid, but you may call him a "Pagan
Knight" of no fixed religion. He was led to the Stonehenge landscape
via his interest in World War One, and has interest in the military
background of the Stonehenge Site and surrounding areas too.
Sir Keith has been interviewed for a
couple of TV documentaries recently and for a children's English
language program for French TV. He is very good at reasoning for &
against popular myths (and new 'revelations') about Stonehenge,
"even those stated by modern TV archeologists". He is, of course,
first to admit even he doesn't hold all the answers! More
recently Sir Keith Ceeney was interviewed on BBC radio in regards to
the closure of the road (A344) next to the Stone Circle at Stonehenge
(which he supports) and the new visitor centre at Stonehenge (which he
doesn't because of the entrance price increase and the "silly
'Disney' Land train idea!").
(Update 2014/15: In agreement with English Heritage representatives, we
are able to use the visitor centre whilst avoiding the Museum - the
land train still has to be used though. This adds at least 40 minutes
to the visit).
(Update 2016: As predicted, the Silly "Disney" Style land train was a
disaster and has been discontinued by English Heritage, replaced
by a slightly faster bus system - this still adds at least 40 minutes to the visit. We are able to use the visitor centre,
and 360' cinema access, whilst avoiding the Museum
Being asked to comment
during another BBC Radio program in 2013, on the controversy of human
remains being permanently removed from a World Heritage Site and put
into the new Stonehenge museum, 'Sir' Keith said, "Although I have
no problem with human remains in museums in general, these Stonehenge
remains come from a place of worship, and more importantly from inside
a world heritage site. A World Heritge Site should be left intact after
study for future generations, not removed into a museum. Making
carbon(*) copies of anything found there is easy and fairly cheap and
would solve all the issues!..." Sir Keith feels strongly that
Stonehenge should remain intact, as a World Heritage Site. He believes
that little removals here and there could end with the site being
stripped for museum displays and items lost forever as has happened in
the past!
(*We are told the pun was
intended - some of the Stonehenge remains on display are
carbon/cremation remains!)
Outside of the 'Stonehenge scene', in July 2016,
'Sir' Keith was an invited guest to the 100th year centenary 'Battle of the Somme' commemoration by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission at Thiepval, France. There he was privilidged to rub shoulders with the Prince of Wales, the French President and many more distinquished visitors, whilst remembering the fallen and lost of this terric and costly battle of World War One. Afterwards, he and a collegue travelled to the Menin Gate in Ypres, Belguim to pay their respects there. He hopes that guests will enjoy his insights to these two sites in the future...
ALSO: Having studied the industrial revolution and European History from
mid-ninteenth century up until world war two with particular reference
to transport and social history of the working class. This means
FlyingPurplePig can also offer TV period drama locations, such as
Downton Abbey, historical cities and preserved railways and aircraft
museums in your tours too!

Hampton Court Palace - Knighthood at Stonehenge

Keith with guests - Telephone Box Street Art Visit
See our photos page for more great tour photos and inspiration...
Sir Keith is married and
lives in Hertfordshire, very near "London's Camelot" itself. He has two
children, both adult, (one works in the British
Museum) three dogs and keeps tropical fish too! Sir Keith spends
much of his spare time researching World War I, again focusing on the
cultural mindset of the soldiers themselves, and transport from before
Industrial Revolution onwards. He also enjoys travel and has visited
almost 20% of the world "so far!" including 'Native' America, 'Native'
Australia, Asia, the Battlefields of Gallipolli and the lost city of
Troy. When he is not busy, Sir Keith also enjoys football (Soccer) and
going to London excellent theatres and playhouses...
(*According to
Sir Keith, when not hired
by other tour companies, does take many of our tours himself, so he
looks forward to seeing many of you personally very soon. He also
writes driver/guide's notes and leaflets for various tours which he may
not be able to guide personally, but be assured he insists on
professional driver/guides to take you around our beautiful country and
ensure that you have a great day with the Flying Purple Pig Tour Co..
(Note: Any fees from paid
for interviews are donated to the Children's Society and Alzheimer's
Society, as these are the charities that Sir Keith Ceeney is proud to